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Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

This has to be the 2nd best most darkest episode up to date since Guurugammaon and the 2nd to 3rd time in history we are seeing an actual human being killed off.
Quite sad how fear, hate, and a biasness leads to worst possible outcomes.

Lets give praise we get to see most of Gammamon's champion forms in one ep. XD

Edit: As for corrections Cherrymon/Jyureimon in a few eps back he was eating humans which one scene a human being absurd in wood but not actually being seen being eaten by Cherrymon/Jyureimon and others humans being eaten by him were all off-screen so there is a difference of my point getting across.
Also the first actual human being killed off was the human possessed by Myotismon /Vamdemon getting resurrected and the human sacrificed him self at the end saving the digital word at the end back in OG Digimon Adventure S2.
As for Mellowmyotismon/Venomvamdemon in OG Digimon Adventure S1 of deleting a tall skyscraper building it's only speculation he may have killed people in that but only speculation and was never mention that there were people in that building.

Annecy Change • 2 years ago

Very nice. Gammamon switching form at will now. Would be cool if he could master 4th form. But Hiro probbably be hidding that away from him. lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago


Triduo • 2 years ago

Right now I think we can call GullusGammamon a Wild Trump Card since it's uncontrollable and violent.

Ian Nava H • 2 years ago

Hiro was probably just relieved Gammamon no longer has risk of accidentally transforming into Gulus...
At least for now

Stefan Pavkovic • 2 years ago

Well, if you remember first adventure, Venom Vamdemon was deleted whole huge building with one hit. There is no indication that someone was in, but since is that huge, there is no way that there was no people inside.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

True but I'm referring an actual shown kill, not a building that is speculated to have people or off screens as well like a few eps back with Cherrymon/Jyureimon . But I should rephrased as the second time a human was being killed in digimon history with the human antagonist in original Digimon Adventure season 2.

Blazing Dragon Wolf • 2 years ago

The first human deaths would be the ones Jyureimon ate back in episode 16. Only the ones Morishellmon put to sleep were saved, the ones who were eaten are gone.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

I mean on-screen, Jyureimon ate humans off-screen with unknown identities and I meant we witness an actual person dying . Also I have to correct my self... Original Digimon Adventures S2 human antagonist did get killed by Vamdemon getting resurrected.

Kranesh • 2 years ago

Yes, unlike other series, Ghost Game paints Digimons to be actual threats to mankind, going as far to kill them, sure the OG Adventure had the invasion of the real world by the hands of Myotismon and also some stuff that happened in Tamers, among other series as well, but it's interesting to see that Ghost Game is cranking up the lethality.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

And being shown

Chain • 2 years ago

Woow we someone dead in this episode and that accidental.
Also next episode we gonna see Arukenimon.

NightDevil00 • 2 years ago

This wasn't the first time our main team were put into danger like this but this is the first time they were directly sought after by other Digimon. Both DarkLizamon and Saberdramon tried to save a man from a fire but ended up failing which lead to other humans seeing them and were blamed for killing that man. I don't know if there were instances of this in the other series so far but aside from Gammamon witnessing Bokomon's death but now we have Digimon that were cursed with guilt and animosity for failing to save a human. They went after Hiro so they can get Blacktailmon to send them back not knowing Hiro was completely clueless on how to call him.

Gammamon took the lead when fighting against both of them and I think this is what you can say Gammamon has gotten stronger since he was able to change between all of his forms at will now and he was able to best both of the Digimon in their individual specialties. BlackTailmon eventually DID come and opened a gate for them to return and I am guessing he only shows up when a situation in the human world and Digimon gets way too out of hand like that death race from before. BlackTailmon previously created a portal using a rice cooker but this time he used the hologram tech in the theme park. Does BlackTailmon know how to access hologram tech?

This incident between Digimon and humans regrettably is a horrific omen of more incidents that may inevitably happen later and I think Hiro now knows what Bokomon mean by being a bridge between humans and digimon. On the other hand, based on what those two were saying, they and likely all Digimon were one day suddenly brought into the world by some unknown force. Guess the question is what WAS that unknown force and if Hokuto might know something about it.

brianuuu • 2 years ago

that is one of the most intense episode so far, I thought Gulusgammamon was going to appear, but i'm glad Gammamon is able to control his evolution now!

FunnehRabbitMan • 2 years ago

Oh man, that was so good.

The tonal shifts at the beginning reminded me of Tamers. Specifically, the part where Culumon's singing and having fun with the DigiGnomes while Beelzebumon's shooting other Digimon to death because he can.

Hade ni Ikuze • 2 years ago

This episode was intense from beginning to end. From the moment that human died in front of his own parents to DarkLizardmon woefully explaining their tragic circumstances. God, I feel... so sad for them.

Kranesh • 2 years ago

I was in awe today, what an amazing episode from start to finish, I was sure that slowly but surely the plot was going to head towards a certain direction... and here we are, 20 episodes later! In any case, it seems that the main theme of the series will be "Bridge" from now on, which means that the kids may somehow unite both worlds or at least paint a better picture of Digimons to humanity? Reminds me a bit of what happened during Adventure 02, and I wouldn't mind such development later on.

Still, we need a main bad guy so I'm sure someone will appear eventually considering the kids are gaining unwanted interest, first Pixiemon last week and now DarkLizamon and Saberdramon, it also makes me even more interested in what the hell is BlackTailmon's involvement in this, is he just a mere gatekeeper or something else? Can't wait for the next episode already, specially because we're getting an Arukenimon, talk about a blast from the past!

Triduo • 2 years ago

Speaking about "blast from the past", episode 2 had Mummymon so...

Kranesh • 2 years ago

Blast from the past, and also feels from the past...

lady vivi ★ • 2 years ago

I don’t feel so good...

wwlaos • 2 years ago

My favorite Wezengammamon appeared, but didn't get to shine. :(

Zeno De Lunar Chalavier • 2 years ago

Wezen just doesn't have the ability to fight well close-range, this is a bad matchup for a gunner

Zaruian • 2 years ago

-"we actually were good guys all along, we tried to save that guy"
-10 minutes earlier: "you can try leaving now if you want." -exits without further explanation-

yeeeeeeah that doesn't check out.

Ian Nava H • 2 years ago

At least have either be so desperate to go back home they no longer care of consequences or at least have them cryptically say "sure, you can leave, but i wouldn't do it if I were you"

Mahana • 2 years ago

Its not trying to porttray them as good guys so much as literal monsters stuck in a world not meant for them desperate to escape - like frankenstein type tragedy mixed with "well we already f'd up lets escape anyway we can"

Zeno De Lunar Chalavier • 2 years ago

After you killed one, what's a few more?

Transparent • 2 years ago

From what I can see the biggest sources of conflict in this episode are miscommunication both on Hiro and the Digimons' side. Had the Digimon properly explained the properties of the black fire to the man they were trying to save, he would have survived. And had Hiro explained that the blacktailmon was only a courier who delivered things to him that he had not means of contacting, the fight could have been avoided altogether.
And I think Hiro himself understood that very well at the end, that there needs to be a better connection and understanding between digimon and humans.
It's nice that gammamon can control his evolutions now though.

Triduo • 2 years ago

Not really sure if Gammamon's in control right now but in this episode he clearly grew up.

Fayt Leingod • 2 years ago

looks like digimons are being spirited away from there own world to the human world for some reason

i do hope hiro's father is not the main reason why this is happening

Triduo • 2 years ago

Paradoxe : Knowing how his researches turned out ? Yeah, 90% chances it's his fault for breaking through the wall between the Real World and the Digital World. -___-

Ian Nava H • 2 years ago

wonder if it will be a case of him being just the one responsible by accident or be secretly a villain

Zeno De Lunar Chalavier • 2 years ago

We're gonna end with something like this?

Dad : Come on Hiro, isn't this good? A world where Digimon and Humans live together side-by-side, wasn't that what you were trying to achieve all this time?
Hiro : No.... This isn't what I wanted.... This is....
-Conversation interrupted by a giant digimon nearby getting hit by a missile due to the all-out war between humans and digital monsters-

ryuuri • 2 years ago

Finally DarkLizamon!

Annecy Change • 2 years ago

Gammamon got more stronger. Very nice. And someone died. Wow.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

And actually shown.

Mahana • 2 years ago

cherrymon killed someone on screen aa few eps back too

Kuromi • 1 year ago

the Man didn't listened thats why he died

Trix • 2 years ago

This Digimon is so good, dark as hell. They definitely gotta head to the digi world someday, wonder if they'll get more digi partners.

qwertyuiop • 2 years ago

Good episode. At least it looks like the plot is moving. Im just hoping they can at least introduce a new loner tamer like in prevous seasons.

Alexa • 2 years ago

Lone tamer are hard this season. If you remember Hiro finds VB from his fathers belongings and gives to people. So this time it isnt by sovereigns or some other party. İt is given by MC so it is hard to other people have it

lavi2112 • 2 years ago

It's not unthinkable hiro dad gave bracelets to others beside his son

qwertyuiop • 2 years ago

I guess you are right. But maybe can introduce a dark variant of VB with these black/dark version of agumon, gabumon and tailmon.

I feel that the cast is too small with only 3 tamers. Adding one or 2 could add more flavors to this series. Just my 2 cents.

Maybe they should think about making Gammamon slide evolution within his 3 adult forms rather than acquiring him to revert back to child then digivolve again. I find it inconvenient. Also, are we near at the episode where Gammamon will digivolve to perfect since it's been 20 episodes and normally when a season pass 15 episodes, we get perfect digivolution.

PhantomDR • 2 years ago

huh a black birdramon cool
oh it's a entirely new digimon (well to my knowledge atleast) Saberdramon huh

Sirkoes • 2 years ago

idk, darklizardmon could say something along the line "you're under protective black fire, but don't take your body out before I said so because when you do, you will be burned to ashes".

Or smack that bitch unconscious and help him out of the house and say nothing.

churchblue • 2 years ago

I just realized GulusGammamon is concepted after Fire Lord Surtyr.

Lolicon YouTuber Aki • 2 years ago

Let's say that...​It wasn't that that Digimon fault when that guy burned to death..
he was supposed to be dead from the start because he was in the middle of the fire..
Thanks to these 2 Digimon he could see his parents faces before he die.
And his parents are idiots... For calling them monsters and murderer.. Imagine them being evil.. Those people that standing there will all turned into dust..
anyway this is a great ep

Mahana • 2 years ago

I mean they didn't know, you see two flame monsters in front of your flaming house and your incinerated son you're going to be upset and coming to fast conclusions

Scarlet Rose • 7 months ago

This is the first episode of this series that actually made me cry 😭 (I don’t know why so don’t ask). Even the episode where bokomon died I almost cried but didn’t.

Rita Frita • 1 year ago

They totally had time to explain to that guy why he shouldn't exit the flame prison. But all they told him was "don't act without us telling you to" and "wait!" That's on the digimon smh.